
AGE (2006a) Mt Arthur Coal South Pit Extension Project, Appendix 8 Groundwater Assessment, July 2006. Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd. Viewed 24 August 2016,

AGE (2006b) Drayton Mine Extension, Appendix G Groundwater Impact Assessment, October 2006. Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd. Viewed 24 August 2016,

AGE (2007) Glennies Creek Open Cut Coal Mine, Groundwater Assessment, October 2007. Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd. Viewed 24 August 2016,

AGE (2009) Mt Arthur Coal Consolidation Project, Environmental Assessment, Appendix N Groundwater Impact Assessment, June 2009. Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd. Viewed 24 August 2016,

AGE (2010) Warkworth Mine Extension, Annex J Groundwater Study, April 2010. Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd.

AGE (2012) Drayton South Coal Project, Environmental Assessment, Appendix N Groundwater Impact Assessment, November 2012. Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd. Viewed 24 August 2016,

AGE (2013a) Bengalla Continuation Project, Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix K Groundwater Impact Assessment, September 2013. Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd. Viewed 24 August 2016,

AGE (2013b) Bylong Coal Project Gateway Certificate Application Supporting Document, Appendix E Groundwater Impact Assessment, January 2014. Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd. Viewed 24 August 2016,

AGE (2013c) Mt Arthur Coal Open Cut Modification 1, Environmental Assessment, Appendix B Groundwater Impact Assessment, January 2013. Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd. Viewed 24 August 2016,

AGE (2014a) Mt Thorley Continuation Project 2014, Appendix I Groundwater Study, May 2014. Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd. Viewed 24 August 2016,

AGE (2014b) Warkworth Continuation 2014, Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix K Groundwater Assessment, May 2014. Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd. Viewed 24 August 2016,

AGE (2014c) West Muswellbrook Project Gateway Application, Appendix C Preliminary groundwater model and impact assessment report (Numerical Modelling), November 2014. Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd. Viewed 24 August 2016,

AGE (2015) Drayton South Coal Project, Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 6, Appendix R Groundwater Impact Assessment, May 2015. Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd. Viewed 24 August 2016,

Aquaterra (2008a) Bloomfield Colliery Completion of Mining and Rehabilitation, Part 3A, Environmental Assessment, Appendix I Groundwater Impact Assessment, November 2008. Viewed 24 August 2016,

Aquaterra (2008b) Moolarben Stage 2, Appendix 5 Groundwater Assessment, November 2008. Viewed 24 August 2016,

Aquaterra (2009a) Bowmans Creek Diversion Environmental Assessment, Appendix 5 Groundwater Impact Assessment, December 2009. Viewed 24 August 2016,

Aquaterra (2009b) Bickham Coal, Appendix 13 Groundwater Modelling, March 2009. Viewed 24 August 2016,

EMM (2015) Mid Hunter Groundwater Study final draft report, 7 April 2015. Viewed 1 November 2016,

ERM (1997) Extension of Mining Operations at Ravensworth Mine, Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1, August 1997. Environmental Resources Management Australia Pty Ltd.

ERM (2008) Hunter Valley Operations South Coal Project, Environmental Assessment Report, Volume 1, January 2008. Environmental Resources Management Australia Pty Ltd. Viewed 24 August 2016,

GeoTerra and Golder (2009a) Integra Open Cut Project and Open Cut Extension, Appendix C Groundwater Assessment, June 2009. Viewed 24 August 2016,

GeoTerra and Golder (2009b) Middle Liddell, Barrett and Hebden Seam Underground Mining Project Area, Annex G Groundwater Assessment, June 2009. Viewed 9 November 2016,

GeoTerra (2013) Chain Valley Colliery Mining Extension 1 Project, Volume 2, Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix D Groundwater Impact Assessment, March 2013. Viewed 24 August 2016,,-Surface-Water-Impact-Assessment,-Noise-Impact-Assessment-and-Air-Quality-and-Greenhouse-Gas-Impact-Assessment.pdf.

GHD (2010) Awaba, Environmental Assessment 2010, Appendix 6 – Water Management Assessment, Appendix B Water Balance, September 2010. Gutteridge Haskins Davey Pty Ltd. Viewed 9 November 2016,

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Heritage (2012) North Wambo Underground Mine Modification 13, Environmental Assessment, Appendix B Groundwater Assessment, November 2012. Viewed 9 November 2016,

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HydroSimulations (2013a) Spur Hill Underground Coking Coal Project, Application for a Gateway Certificate, Appendix C Preliminary Groundwater Assessment, November 2013. Viewed 24 August 2016,

HydroSimulations (2013b) Wilpinjong Coal Modification 5, Environmental Assessment, Appendix C Groundwater Assessment, July 2013. Viewed 24 August 2016,

HydroSimulations (2015) Moolarben Coal Complex UG1 Optimisation Modification, Environmental Assessment, Appendix B Groundwater Assessment, May 2015. Viewed 8 November 2016,

Jacobs (2014) Mount Owen Continued Operations Project, Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix 10 Groundwater Impact Assessment, October 2014. Viewed 24 August 2016,

Mackie (2006) Anvil Hill Project, Environmental Assessment, Appendix 8 Groundwater Assessment, August 2006. Mackie Environmental Research. Viewed 24 August 2016,

Mackie (2007) Mt Arthur Coal Underground Project, Environmental Assessment, Appendix 10 Groundwater Management Study, September 2007. Mackie Environmental Research. Viewed 24 August 2016,

Mackie (2009a) Ravensworth Operations Project, Environmental Assessment 2010, Appendix 9 Groundwater Assessment, November 2009. Mackie Environmental Research. Viewed 24 August 2016,

Mackie (2009b) Ulan Coal Continued Operations Project, Environmental Assessment, Appendix 6 Groundwater Assessment, July 2009. Mackie Environmental Research. Viewed 24 August 2016,

Mackie (2009c) Wallarah 2 Coal Project, Groundwater Management Studies, October 2009. Mackie Environmental Research. Viewed 9 November 2016,

Mackie (2012a) Bulga Open Cut Western Mining Limit Modification, Environmental Assessment, Appendix 5 Groundwater Impact Assessment, September 2012. Mackie Environmental Research. Viewed 9 November 2016,

Mackie (2012b) Bulga Optimisation Project, Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix 11 Groundwater Impact Assessment, April 2013. Mackie Environmental Research. Viewed 24 August 2016,

Mackie (2012c) Ravensworth Underground Mine, Liddell Seam Project, Appendix L Assessment of Groundwater Impacts, March 2012. Mackie Environmental Research. Viewed 8 November 2016,

Mackie (2013) Wallarah 2 Coal Project, Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix I Groundwater Impact Assessment, April 2013. Mackie Environmental Research. Viewed 24 August 2016,

Mackie (2015) Ulan West Modification 3, Environmental Assessment, Appendix 3 Assessment of Groundwater Related Impacts, January 2015. Mackie Environmental Research. Viewed 24 August 2016,

NOW (2015) Wambo Mine Modification 14 – NOW response to additional groundwater information, February 2015. New South Wales Office of Water. Viewed 8 November 2016,

RPS Aquaterra (2011) Moolarben Coal Complex Stage 2, Appendix E Groundwater Impact Assessment, November 2011. Viewed 24 August 2016,

RPS Aquaterra (2012) Tasman Extension Project, Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix B Groundwater Assessment, June 2012. Viewed 24 August 2016,

RPS Aquaterra (2013) Abel Upgrade Modification, Environmental Assessment, Appendix B Groundwater Assessment, March 2013. Viewed 24 August 2016,

RPS Aquaterra (2014) Rix’s Creek Continuation of Mining Project, Appendix S Groundwater Impact Assessment, October 2014. Viewed 8 November 2016,'s%20Creek%20EIS_App%20S_%20Groundwater%20Impact%20Assessment_Pt%201.pdf.

SKM (2013) Liddell Coal Operations Modification 5 to Development Consent DA 305-11-01, Appendix G Groundwater Assessment, April 2013. Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd. Viewed 24 August 2016,

Last updated:
18 January 2019
Thumbnail of the Hunter subregion

Product Finalisation date