Surface water – groundwater connectivity has been the focus of several regional investigations in the Namoi river basin. Key findings from the most relevant of these studies for the BA for the Namoi subregion are summarised. In addition, a new baseline assessment of surface water – groundwater connectivity has been made for 2012, and this baseline has been compared to the connectivity assessments made from earlier investigations. The year 2012 was chosen for the baseline connectivity assessment in order to be consistent with companion submethodology M04 (as listed in Table 1) for developing a coal resource development pathway (Lewis, 2014), which has been used to establish the development status of coal mines and coal seam gas (CSG) operations in commercial production as of the last quarter of 2012. The 2012 year represents the baseline status by which to compare potential impacts of future coal and CSG development. The methods employed for the surface water – groundwater connectivity 2012 baseline and previous assessments are further described in the sections below, and include approaches based on:
- GIS analysis – analysis and mapping using spatial software and applications to compare groundwater elevations with river stage and/or river bed elevations, and to assess water level changes over time
- hydrological assessments – analysis of streamflow, baseflow separation, flow duration curves, stream and groundwater hydrograph analysis
- hydrogeological field data – analyses of geological and geomorphic datasets, geophysical methods, hydraulic data, temperature, groundwater salinity, and other water chemistry data.
Product Finalisation date
- 2.1.1 Geography
- 2.1.2 Geology
- 2.1.3 Hydrogeology and groundwater quality
- 2.1.4 Surface water hydrology and water quality
- 2.1.5 Surface water – groundwater interactions
- Observed data
- Previous catchment-scale investigations on stream-aquifer interactions
- Overview of controls on surface water – groundwater connectivity based on previous investigations in the Namoi river basin
- Statistical analysis and interpolation
- Gaps
- References
- Datasets
- 2.1.6 Water management for coal resource developments
- Boggabri Coal Mine (baseline) and Boggabri Coal Expansion Project (ACRD)
- Narrabri North Mine (baseline)
- Narrabri South Project (ACRD)
- Rocglen Mine (baseline)
- Sunnyside Mine (baseline)
- Tarrawonga Mine (baseline) and Tarrawonga Coal Expansion Project (ACRD)
- Caroona Coal Project (ACRD)
- Maules Creek Project (ACRD)
- Watermark Coal Project (ACRD)
- Vickery Coal Project (ACRD)
- Narrabri Gas Project (ACRD)
- Mine footprints
- References
- Datasets
- Citation
- Acknowledgements
- Currency of scientific results
- Contributors to the Technical Programme
- About this technical product