
Integra Coal Operations Pty Ltd is responsible for the operation of the Integra Coal Project (Integra) in the Hunter Coalfields, 10 km north-west of Singleton. The project was formed in 2006 through integration of the Glennies Creek and the Camberwell joint ventures (Corkery, 2007, p. A–6). Integra is owned by Vale Australia and operates both underground and open-cut coal mining operations (Integra, 2013, p. 16). The mine produces three types of coal: semi-soft coking coal (43%), thermal coal (6.9%) and semi-hard coking coal (50.1%) (Integra, 2013, p. 43–44). The operations have been active since 1991 and include:

  • Integra North Open Cut Coal Mine (North Open Cut), which was formerly known as the Glennies Creek Open Cut Mine
  • Integra Underground Coal Mine (Integra Underground), which was formerly known as the Glennies Creek Underground Coal Mine
  • Integra Open Cut (formerly referred to as the Camberwell Coal Mine) which comprises the North Pit which ceased mining in 1999 and has been backfilled, and the South Pit.

Of these, mining is currently taking place in the Integra Underground, the South Pit and the North Open Cut (Vale, 2012, p. 11).

Integra Coal has approval to dispatch up to 7.3 Mt of product coal from the site each calendar year (Integra, 2013, p. 20). This coal is sold to both export (28%) and local markets (72%). Mining at Glennies Creek Colliery commenced in 1996 (Corkery, 2007, p. A–11). The underground mine is a modern, longwall operation (Integra, 2013, p. 14). The operations at the original Camberwell Coal Mine commenced open-cut mining in 1991 and are now approved (Integra Open Cut) until 31 December 2035 (Project Approval PA_08_0101).

The facilities onsite include a CHPP, rail loading facilities, workshops, administration buildings, coal stockpiles, mobile plant and equipment. There are six piezometers installed to monitor groundwater in the region of the dam wall (Integra, 2013, p. 15, p. 21, p. 42).

The mine does not hold a water discharge license and separates clean, sediment-laden mine water to minimise adverse environmental impacts. Water management infrastructure includes dams, pipelines and associated drainage structures which allow for catchment of water from undisturbed areas to be diverted, where possible, away from disturbed and sediment-laden mine water (Integra, 2013, p. 38). Major rehabilitation objectives are to (Integra, 2013, p. 93):

  • return the site to a suitable land capability class
  • reshape all slopes to gradients which provide long-term stability
  • locate dams on natural and reformed watercourses and gullies to provide short-term retention and sedimentation control during mining and rehabilitation, and long-term stock watering
  • prevent contaminants from leaving the site
  • revegetate lands disturbed by mining activities
  • minimise dust generation during the rehabilitation process.
Last updated:
18 January 2019
Thumbnail of the Hunter subregion

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