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- Assessments
- Bioregional Assessment Program
- Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion
- 1.2 Resource assessment for the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion
- 1.2.2 Current activity and tenements
- Coal seam gas
- Bellevue, Berwyndale and Berwyndale South coal seam gas fields
The Berwyndale and Berwyndale South gas fields are co-owned by QGC and CNOOC and operated by QGC. The gas fields are in PL 201 and PL 211, 32 km south-west of Chinchilla in the Surat Basin as shown in Figure 10. At Berwyndale South field development started in August 2005 with the first commercial gas production occurring May 2006. Mean daily gas flow was about 70 TJ/day before it was reduced to 50 TJ/day to enable other nearby CSG fields to be brought into production (Australian Mining Link, 2013b).
The Bellevue gas field, adjoining the Berwyndale gas field in the north in PL 247, is operated by QGC with majority shareholdings by QGC, APLNG, and CNOOC. Mean gas production at Bellevue equalled 24 TJ/day for the March 2014 quarter (Origin Energy, 2014).
Gas produced from the three gas fields is processed at the Windibri gas processing plant which also processes gas from the Argyle, Kenya, and Lauren gas fields (Australian Mining Link, 2013b). The processed gas is supplied to AGL Energy Limited, the 500 MW Braemar 1 and 450 MW Braemar 2 power stations, the 140 MW Condamine Power Station, Incitec Pivot, CS Energy, and others (AEMO, 2013). In the future gas is likely to be supplied to QGC’s LNG project (AEMO, 2013).
Remaining 2P reserves at Berwyndale South, Berwyndale, and Bellevue were quoted as 273 PJ, 326 PJ, and 344 PJ respectively as of December 2013 (DNRM, 2014d).

Product Finalisation date
- 1.2.1 Available coal and coal seam gas resources
- 1.2.2 Current activity and tenements
- 1.2.3 Proposals and exploration
- 1.2.4 Catalogue of potential resource developments
- Citation
- Acknowledgements
- Contributors to the Technical Programme
- About this technical product