Kogan Creek Mine

Kogan Creek Mine near Chinchilla, is owned by Aberdare Collieries, a subsidiary of CS Energy which is owned by the Queensland Government. The mine provides approximately 2.8 Mt/year of thermal coal to CS Energy’s adjacent Kogan Creek Power Station (CS Energy, 2012, p. 10). The mine commenced operations in 2007 and although the life of mine is not clear, the present contract for operation is with Golding Contractors until 2018. Kogan Creek is an open-cut mine where three main seams of coal have a combined thickness of 12 m, dipping gently to the south-west. It is mined using front-end loaders and haul trucks (CS Energy, 2013). Coal is transported to the power station by a 4 km overland conveyor (CS Energy, 2013). The coal from Kogan Creek Mine is very high quality and does not require washing prior to use, complementing the power station’s dry‑cooled operation that uses 90% less water than a wet-cooled power station of equivalent size. Spoil dumps are used to backfill the voids after coal has been mined in preparation for land rehabilitation, and remaining spoil dumps are formed into hills approximately 30 m high which are landscaped and revegetated (CS Energy, 2013). Water usage for the mine is 0.5 ML/day, and as coal is not washed, this is used mainly for dust suppression (Psi-Delta, 2010, p. 127; Western Downs Regional Council, 2012). The water is sourced through the use of groundwater bores and harvesting of overland flow (Psi-Delta, 2010, p. 120). Waste ash from the power station is mixed with a small amount of water and pumped back into mine voids for permanent storage. The total coal resource (measured and indicated) reported at the mine is 400 Mt (CS Energy, 2013).

Last updated:
5 January 2018
Thumbnail of the Maranoa-Baloone-Condamine subregion

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