The following notes are relevant only for this technical product.
- The context statement is a collation of existing information and thus in some cases figures are reproduced from other sources. These figures were not redrawn for consistency (with respect to ‘look and feel’ as well as content), and the resolution and quality reflects that found in the source.
- All reasonable efforts were made to provide all material under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence.
- All maps created as part of this BA for inclusion in this product used the Albers equal area projection with a central meridian of 151.0° East for the Northern Inland Catchments bioregion and two standard parallels of –18.0° and –36.0°.
[1] The Central West Local Land Services replaced the Central West Catchment Management Authority over the Central West subregion in January 2014. Local Land Services regions are generally collations of local government areas, whereas catchment management authorities were based on surface water catchments.
[2] The ABS Census defines a category of employment as Agriculture, forestry and fishing. It is assumed that in the Central West subregion, forestry and fishing are not significant in this statistic.
[3] The Sydney-Gunnedah-Bowen Basin is essentially a continuous geological feature so basin boundaries are somewhat arbitrary; however the subdivisions are accompanied by changes in stratigraphic nomenclature. The boundary between the Gunnedah and Sydney Basins is considered by some authors to be the Mount Coricudgy Anticline (Tadros, 1993) and by others as the Liverpool Range (Stewart and Alder, 1995). Both the Sydney and Gunnedah Basins are overlain by the Surat Basin.