About this technical product

The following notes are relevant only for this technical product.

  • All reasonable efforts were made to provide all material under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence.
  • All maps created as part of this BA for inclusion in this product used the Albers equal area projection with a central meridian of 140.0° East for the Lake Eyre Basin bioregion and two standard parallels of –18.0° and –36.0°.
  • Visit http://www.bioregionalassessments.gov.au to access metadata (including copyright, attribution and licensing information) for datasets cited or used to make figures in this product.
  • In addition, the datasets are published online if they are unencumbered (able to be published according to conditions in the licence or any applicable legislation). The Bureau of Meteorology archives a copy of all datasets used in the BAs. This archive includes datasets that are too large to be stored online and datasets that are encumbered. The community can request a copy of these archived data at http://www.bioregionalassessments.gov.au.
  • The citation details of datasets are correct to the best of the knowledge of the Bioregional Assessment Programme at the publication date of this product. Readers should use the hyperlinks provided to access the most up-to-date information about these data; where there are discrepancies, the information provided online should be considered correct. The dates used to identify Bioregional Assessment Source Datasets are the dataset’s published date. Where the published date is not available, the last updated date or created date is used. For Bioregional Assessment Derived Datasets, the created date is used.

[1] As explained in Section of companion product 2.7 for the Galilee subregion (Ickowicz et al., 2018) the increase in water depth above the threshold is specified as the depth of water in the spring that is greater than the level required to maintain only a damp state (and thus is able to support a wetted area around the perimeter and down-gradient of the spring). In the two signed digraph models for the ‘Springs’ landscape group in Figure 13 and Figure 14 of Ickowicz et al. (2018) this critical model variable is denoted by the symbol ‘D>Dam’.

[2] The term ‘Eme’ as used in the name of these two BA economic assets that are not assigned to a specific groundwater management unit refers to the location of the nearest regional Queensland office to these bores (which is situated in the town of Emerald) that is responsible for management of the Queensland Groundwater Database (DNRM, 2015). Hence, ‘Eme’ is here used as a shorthand form for Emerald.

Last updated:
6 December 2018
Thumbnail of the Galilee subregion

Product Finalisation date