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Herron NF, Frery E, Crosbie R, Peña-Arancibia J, Zhang YQ, Viney N, Rachakonda PK, Ramage A, Marvanek SP, Gresham M, McVicar TR and Wilkins A (2018a) Observations analysis, statistical analysis and interpolation for the Hunter subregion. Product 2.1-2.2 for the Hunter subregion from the Northern Sydney Basin Bioregional Assessment. Department of the Environment and Energy, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, Australia.
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Hosack G, Ickowicz A, Dambacher J, Macfarlane CK, Hayes KR, Viney NR, Crosbie RS, Zhang YQ, Herron NF, O'Grady A and Henderson BL (2018a) Receptor impact modelling for the Hunter subregion. Product 2.7 for the Hunter subregion from the Northern Sydney Basin Bioregional Assessment. Department of the Environment and Energy, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, Australia.
Hosack GR, Ickowicz A, Hayes KR, Barry SA and Henderson BL (2018b) Receptor impact modelling. Submethodology M08 from the Bioregional Assessment Technical Programme. Department of the Environment and Energy, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, Australia.
Macfarlane C, Rachakonda PK, Herron NF, Marvanek SP, Wang J, Moore B, Bell J, Slegers S, Mount RE and McVicar TR (2016) Description of the water-dependent asset register for the Hunter subregion. Product 1.3 for the Hunter subregion from the Northern Sydney Basin Bioregional Assessment. Department of the Environment, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, Australia. Viewed 20 May 2017,
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Product Finalisation date
- 3.1 Overview
- 3.2 Methods
- 3.3 Potential hydrological changes
- 3.4 Impacts on and risks to landscape classes
- 3.5 Impacts on and risks to water-dependent assets
- 3.6 Commentary for coal resource developments that are not modelled
- 3.7 Conclusion
- Citation
- Acknowledgements
- Contributors to the Technical Programme
- About this technical product