In NSW, water resources in river and groundwater systems are managed through water sharing plans. These are subordinate legislation under the NSW Water Management Act 2000. Table 32 lists the water sharing plans relevant to the Hunter subregion at the time that the asset register was compiled in 2015. In July 2016, NSW Department of Primary Industries Water replaced, merged and commenced a number of plans, details of which are provided in the second column of Table 32. Thus where previously there were 11 relevant water sharing plans in the Hunter subregion, since July 2016 there are 8, 2 of which are new plans. These changes have generally not resulted in the re-definition of existing water source areas, which form the basis for asset groupings in the Hunter water-dependent asset register. However, where there are differences, the names and spatial extents of the water sources named in the 2016 plans are used in the following assessment of impacts on economic assets. Each water sharing plan specifies the water sources to which it applies.
Impacts on economic assets due to additional coal resource development can arise where changes in groundwater and surface water hydrology increase the cost of water supply and access. The assessment of potential impact does not involve estimates of costs in monetary terms, instead economic assets within the zone of potential hydrological change are identified and the likelihood of changes to water access are assessed. Economic assets include the water resources themselves and the water supply works, which enable users to access water under a water access licence or a basic water right.
Table 32 Water sharing plans in 2015 and since July 2016 in the Hunter subregion Assets in the zone of potential hydrological change
The water-dependent asset register for the Hunter subregion (companion product 1.3 (Macfarlane et al., 2016)) has 249 economic water-dependent assets, comprising 10,327 elements. Within the Hunter zone of potential hydrological change, there are 123 economic assets, comprising 3950 elements (Table 33). Eighty-two surface water assets and 43 groundwater assets can be ruled out as very unlikely to be impacted due to additional coal resource development. The final column in Table 33 enumerates the groundwater and surface water elements in the mine pit exclusion zone. While the 129 bores and 133 surface water extraction points are clearly within the zone of potential hydrological change and hence potentially impacted due to additional coal resource development, the modelled estimates of drawdown in the vicinity of open-cut pits are highly uncertain.
Table 33 Economic assets and elements in the Hunter assessment extent, zone of potential hydrological change and mine pit exclusion zone
Numbers are reported against the old water sharing plans (see Table 32) and these numbers are consistent with the water-dependent asset register for the Hunter subregion. However, where there are differences with the 2016 plans, the names and spatial extents of the water sources named in the 2016 plans are used in the following assessment of impacts on economic assets.
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 15)
Figure 69 and Figure 70 identify the groundwater sources and bores and surface water sources and extraction points, respectively, that intersect the zone of potential hydrological change, and hence are potentially impacted due to additional coal resource development. Table 34 lists the potentially impacted groundwater and surface water sources and the number of water rights holders (both access licence and basic rights) within the zone of potential hydrological change. The following clarifications and conclusions can be made about water sources:
- There are 5 groundwater and 24 surface water sources (including alluvial) that intersect the zone of potential hydrological change and are potentially impacted due to additional coal resource development. The intersection of 5 of these 24 surface water sources is an artefact of the analysis technique and associated with just eight extraction points. Therefore, only 19 of these surface water points are potentially impacted due to additional coal resource development.
- Ten unregulated and alluvial water sources that are in the Hunter assessment extent – Pages River, Munmurra River, Bow River, Merriwa River, Martindale Creek, Doyles Creek, Upper Wollombi Brook, Wallis Creek, Patterson/Allyn Rivers and Newcastle – are not within the zone of potential hydrological change and can be ruled out as very unlikely to be impacted due to additional coal resource development.
- Four groundwater sources can be ruled out as very unlikely to be impacted due to additional coal resource development. The Liverpool Ranges Basalt Coast groundwater source, covered by the Water Sharing Plan for the North Coast Fractured and Porous Rock Groundwater Sources 2016, and the Stockton, Tomaree and Tomago water sources, covered by the Water Sharing Plan for the North Coast Coastal Sands Groundwater Sources 2016, do not intersect the zone of potential hydrological change.
- The unregulated and alluvial water sources of Baerami Creek, Black Creek, Halls Creek, Krui River and Widden Brook are identified as potentially impacted because the 1 km assessment units associated with the Goulburn River and Hunter River surface water zone of potential hydrological change cause these water sources to be intersected where they meet these larger rivers. A few extraction points are picked up within these assessment units, but overall, the additional coal resource development is considered unlikely to impact these water sources.
- The Luskintyre and Singleton water sources, which straddle the Hunter Regulated River, are associated with very few extraction points because the majority of extraction points in these water sources is captured within the numbers given for the Hunter Regulated River. Only six water access licences in the Luskintyre water source and three in the Singleton water source that are within the zone relate to unregulated and alluvial water sources and not to the Hunter Regulated River water source.
Figure 69 Groundwater source areas and bores in the zone of potential hydrological change
WSP = water sharing plan
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 8, Dataset 9, Dataset 15, Dataset 16)
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 8, Dataset 9, Dataset 15)
Table 34 Water source areas and extraction points in the zone of potential hydrological change
aOf the 3950 elements in the zone of potential hydrological change (Table 33), 3911 relate to water access licences and basic water rights.
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 15)
Of the 3950 elements in the zone of potential hydrological change (Table 33), 3911 relate to bores and surface water extraction points. The following clarifications and conclusions can be made about extraction points within potentially impacted water sources:
- Mardi Dam and Grahamstown Dam, the two water infrastructure assets in the Hunter asset register, are outside the zone of potential hydrological change and inflows are unlikely to be impacted. Mardi Dam is an offstream storage and is filled by pumping water from Wyong River and Ourimbah Creek. Changes in streamflow in Wyong River could impact water supply to Mardi Dam.
- Just over half (~53%) of the 3911 extraction points in the zone of potential hydrological change are associated with the Hunter Regulated River water source; almost 32% (1245) relate to unregulated and alluvial water sources; and just over 15% are from water sources in fractured and porous rock aquifers.
- There are 260 bores and surface water extraction points in the mine pit exclusion zone: 90 are within the groundwater zone of potential hydrological change and their modelled drawdowns are considered very uncertain due to their proximity to open-cut mine pits.
- Table 34 suggests there are no extraction points in Glennies water source in the zone of potential hydrological change. Glennies Creek is part of the Hunter Regulated River water source and the bores and surface water extraction points that are within the zone are included in the Hunter Regulated River numbers. Thus the zero values in Table 34 indicate there are no extraction points along unregulated tributaries of Glennies Creek within the zone.
Of the 1450 groundwater bores identified in Table 33 as in the zone of potential hydrological change, 780 bores are within the groundwater zone of potential hydrological change and 670 bores are solely within the surface water zone of potential hydrological change. Of the 670 bores selected due to intersection with the surface water zone of potential hydrological change, only those bores used to extract water from an alluvial aquifer could potentially be impacted. This is because alluvial aquifers tend to be highly connected to the streams that intersect them, such that changes in baseflow due to additional coal resource development could affect water levels at bores within the alluvium, even outside the area of greater than 0.2 m of drawdown. In NSW, these highly connected water sources are managed conjunctively. Analysis of the bore dataset revealed that 62 of these bores are in fractured rock aquifers (Sydney Basin – North Coast) and can be ruled out. Another 415 were clearly identified as in alluvial aquifers and therefore potentially impacted. Of the remaining 193, drill depth data were used to determine likelihood of potential impact, with bores lacking drill depth data being retained as potentially impacted. In the Hunter subregion, depths of alluvium have been reported as ranging from 3 to 17 m (Australian Groundwater Consultants Pty Ltd, 1984) and up to 20 m (Wilford et al., 2015). In companion product 1.5 for the Hunter subregion (Zhang et al., 2016), a depth of 20 m was adopted to distinguish bores that (i) had no screen depth data and (ii) coincided with mapped Hunter River alluvium into alluvial and fractured rock bores. The same threshold is used here to differentiate alluvial bores, which are potentially impacted, from deeper, fractured rock bores that are unlikely to be impacted due to additional coal resource development. Table 35 summarises the breakdown, with 590 of these bores retained as potentially impacted and 80 ruled out as unlikely to be impacted.
Table 35 Drill depths and purpose of potentially impacted bores solely in surface water zone of potential hydrological change
Bores solely in surface water zone |
Unlikely to be impacted |
Potentially impacted |
Fractured rock |
>20 m |
Alluvial |
No depth |
<20 m |
670 |
62 |
18 |
415 |
85 |
90 |
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 15)
In summary, 19 surface water sources and 5 groundwater sources are potentially impacted by hydrological changes due to additional coal resource development. Figure 71 summarises the steps for deeming bores and surface water extraction points in the zone ‘potentially impacted’. Of 3911 bores and surface water extraction points within the zone, 3831 are potentially affected due to additional coal resource development.
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 15)
Whether the modelled hydrological changes due to additional coal resource development are likely to impact water rights holders can be assessed through quantifying changes in water availability and reliability of flows in the potentially impacted unregulated and alluvial water source areas and determining whether the modelled drawdowns could interfere with licensed bore water users access to groundwater. These three indicators of impact are considered in the following sections. Impact on water availability (surface water)
The change in average annual flow is used here as an indicator of change in water availability due to additional coal resource development.
Twenty-four water source areas intersect the Hunter zone of potential hydrological change. Five were identified as having minimal intersection with the zone and unlikely to be impacted, with results at model nodes on Baerami Creek and Black Creek confirming no significant hydrological change for two of these water sources. Modelling results at model nodes on Wybong Creek and Dart Brook also indicate no significant change in average annual flows. Surface water modelling was not undertaken for Dora Creek, South Lake Macquarie, Ourimbah Creek, Jilliby Jilliby Creek and Tuggerah Lakes water sources, and changes in average annual flows cannot be quantified. Results of changes in average annual flows are presented for 11 water sources, noting that changes in the Luskintyre water source (not reported) are encapsulated in the changes reported for zone 2B of the Hunter Regulated River.
Table 36 summarises changes in annual flows for the Hunter Regulated River water source by management zone. Management zones along the Hunter River number from 1A immediately below Glenbawn Dam to 2B at the downstream end of the regulated river, a few kilometres north of Maitland; zone 3A corresponds to the regulated reach between Glennies Creek Dam and the junction with the Hunter River. In absolute terms, the biggest reduction in annual flows occurs in zone 2B, and reflects the cumulative impact of all the modelled developments upstream of this point. Between 2013 and 2042, this is modelled to be up to 12 GL/year (95th percentile) or 1.6% of the baseline mean annual flow for the same period. By the 2073 to 2102 period, this impact is modelled to have lessened to 6 GL/year. Reductions in mean annual flows range between 2 and 5 GL/year along zones 1B and 2A, the length of river between the Goulburn and Hunter rivers junction and the Wollombi Brook and Hunter River junction.
Table 36 Change in water availability due to the additional coal resource development for management zones within the Hunter Regulated River water source. The average annual baseline flow for the short-term period (2013–2042, 95th percentile) is provided as context
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 17)
Table 37 summarises changes in annual flows for Hunter unregulated and alluvial water sources. Generally, the most downstream node for the water source has been used to assess the change in water availability, however for the Singleton, Jerrys and Muswellbrook water sources, which overlap the Hunter Regulated River water source, the sum of changes in annual flows at nodes on small tributary streams within the water source area has been used to give an indication of the change in water availability for these water sources. They are likely to underestimate the change due to additional coal resource development because the effect of baseflow reductions downstream of these nodes is not captured in the reported numbers at this scale. However, the changes in the management zones along the Hunter Regulated River water source (Table 36) include those baseflow reductions: for the Muswellbrook water source, zone 1A is relevant; zone 1B reflects changes in Jerrys water source; and zone 2 captures changes in tributary flows within the Singleton water source.
The biggest reductions in annual flows occur in the Singleton water source (95th percentile of ~6.3 GL/year), followed by Jerrys (~3.5 GL/year) and Muswellbrook (~2.85 GL/year) water sources between 2013 and 2042. In the Wyong River, decreases in the mean annual flow are modelled to peak between 2043 and 2072 (95th percentile of ~5.7 GL/year), with the effect persisting through the 2073 to 2102 period. Changes to water availability in the Goulburn River water sources – Lower Goulburn River, Upper Goulburn River, and Bylong and Wollar Creek – are comparatively small, with the largest decrease in mean annual flow of 0.9 GL/year (95th percentile) occurring in the Wollar Creek water source between 2013 and 2042, and increasing reductions in the Bylong water source from 0.24 to 0.4 to 0.48 GL/year over the three 30-year periods.
Table 37 Change in water availability due to the additional coal resource development for Hunter unregulated and alluvial water sources in the zone of potential hydrological change. The average annual baseline flow for the short-term period (2013–2042, 95th percentile) is provided as context
Water source |
Node |
Baseline |
Reduction due to additional coal resource development (GL/year) |
Short-term period (2013–2042) |
Short-term period (2013–2042) |
Medium-term period (2043–2072) |
Long-term period (2073–2102) |
95th |
5th |
50th |
95th |
5th |
50th |
95th |
5th |
50th |
95th |
Singletona |
7, 11 |
18.5 |
2.9 |
4.5 |
6.3 |
2.5 |
4.1 |
5.8 |
1.8 |
3.1 |
4.7 |
Lower Wollombi Brook |
12 |
142 |
0.6 |
1.1 |
1.6 |
0.4 |
0.7 |
1.0 |
0.2 |
0.3 |
0.5 |
Glennies |
21 |
See Hunter Regulated River – Zone 3A (Table 36) |
Jerrysa |
26–30, 35 |
61.0 |
1.4 |
2.3 |
3.5 |
0.4 |
0.7 |
1.2 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
1.1 |
Muswellbrooka |
52, 55 |
6.4 |
0.7 |
1.4 |
2.9 |
0.3 |
0.8 |
1.7 |
0.2 |
0.5 |
1.1 |
Lower Goulburn River |
36 |
77.9 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
0.2 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
Upper Goulburn River |
41 |
73.0 |
0.2 |
0.3 |
0.6 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.4 |
0.06 |
0.1 |
0.3 |
Bylong |
42 |
57.3 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
0.2 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
0.4 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
0.5 |
Wollar Creek |
46 |
22.3 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
0.9 |
0.2 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
0.1 |
0.2 |
0.3 |
Wyong River |
64 |
116 |
0.2 |
0.7 |
4.2 |
0.6 |
1.3 |
5.7 |
0.6 |
1.2 |
5.6 |
aWater sources with no suitable downstream node – values represent the sum of changes at multiple nodes within the water source area.
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 17) Impact on reliability (surface water) Regulated river
The Hunter Regulated River – between Glenbawn Dam and Glennies Creek Dam and the tidal limit of the Hunter River – has a prescribed long-term average annual extraction limit and is a fully allocated water source. No new water access licences are available from the state, so access to water is permitted only through an existing licence or purchase of an entitlement or an allocation through the water market. Licensed entitlement holders in regulated rivers are able to place orders for water from Glenbawn and Glennies Creek dams to meet their water needs. How much they are permitted to extract in any given year depends on water availability in these storages. Available water determinations (AWDs) are made at the commencement of the water year based on the volume of stored water and the assumption that inflows to the dams in the ensuing year will be the lowest on record. In years when the starting AWD is less than 100% of entitlement, the AWD can be updated throughout the water year in response to changing conditions.
The environment is also a recognised ‘user’ of water in the regulated river. The Water Sharing Plan for the Hunter Regulated River Water Source makes provision for environmental water through not only setting a limit on long-term annual extractions of 217,000 ML/year, which ensures about 80% of the long-term annual flow is left in the river, but also through specifying environmental water requirements (EWRs) at the Liddell and Greta gauging stations (nodes 31 and 1, respectively). EWRs are managed through imposing limits on extractions when the dam spills or when high flows from unregulated tributaries enter the system to ensure sufficient volumes for flooding of wetland areas; imposing limits on extractions when inflows from the unregulated tributaries to the regulated river are low to ensure sufficient water is retained in the river; and through releases of water from Glenbawn and Glennies Creek dams.
A potential economic impact of coal resource development is upon security of supply to consumptive users. If reductions in baseflow and catchment runoff lead to a greater frequency of flow rates below the minimum EWR at Liddell and Greta, then water in the Glenbawn and Glennies Creek storages that might otherwise have been part of the consumptive pool may be needed to meet the EWR. This could potentially reduce the security of supply to users of the consumptive pool, reflected in a decrease in the percentage of years that they can expect to receive an AWD of 100% at the start of the water year. This potential impact has not been modelled as part of the BA for the Hunter subregion, but is identified as a risk. The NSW Department of Primary Industries Water IQQM of the Hunter Regulated River is the appropriate modelling platform for exploring the implications of potential flow reductions on environmental water and the consumptive pool. Unregulated river and alluvial water sources
One way flows in unregulated rivers can be protected is through controls on extraction. Cease-to-pump rules in water sharing plans specify the river level below which extractions are not permitted. Some plans specify how much water is permitted to be extracted for different flow ranges. Cease-to-pump rules are developed for each water source based on all current water licence entitlements accessing either surface water or groundwater (in highly connected alluvial aquifers) – that is, rules assume full development rather than actual take. For water sources covered by the Water Sharing Plan for the Hunter Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources that have cease-to-pump rules, the general requirement is for pumping from the river to cease when there is no visible flow in the water source at the location where water is proposed to be taken or, where water is taken from a pool, there is no visible flow into or out of the pool. Some water sources are split into a number of management zones (e.g. Dart Brook has five; Jerrys has two), some of which may have a groundwater trigger, rather than a streamflow trigger, to define when extractions are and are not permitted. Not all water sources in the Hunter subregion have had the groundwater trigger, reference point and cease-to-pump rules specified for them. Table 38 lists the water sources within the zone of potential hydrological change that surface water modelling found to have an above-threshold change in the number of zero-flow days (ZFD) or low-flow days (LFD) due to additional coal resource development, details the cease-to-pump rules for each water source and specifies the flow threshold used to quantify the impact on cease-to-pump days due to additional coal resource development. Where cease to pump is triggered by ‘no visible flow’, the change in the average number of zero-flow days in each 30-year period has been used to quantify the change. Where cease to pump is based on the flow rate falling below a specified flow rate at a reference location, then the change is assessed using the specified threshold. Where the cease-to-pump trigger has not been specified for a water source, the assessment has been based on the change in the average number of zero-flow days.
Table 38 Cease-to-pump rules for water sources in the surface water zone of potential hydrological change that surface water modelling found to have a change in zero-flow or low-flow days due to additional coal resource development greater than the defined thresholds
Source: Water Sharing Plan for the Hunter Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2009; Water Sharing Plan for the Central Coast Unregulated Water Sources 2009
Table 39 summarises the increase in the number of cease-to-pump days from the additional coal resource development at model nodes where there was at least a 5% chance of an increase in ZFD or LFD of at least 3 days/year. Baseline cease-to-pump days for 2013 to 2042 are provided for context. Under the baseline, cease-to-pump days are relatively unlikely in Black Creek, Wollombi Brook, Glennies Creek and Foy Brook, whereas in Doctors Creek, Redbank Creek and an unnamed creek in Jerrys water source (node 29), reliability of flow is low as reflected in the high number of cease-to-pump (zero-flow) days even at the 5th percentile. In Doctors Creek, additional coal resource development is predicted to increase the number of cease-to-pump days by a median 34 days, but with some simulations estimating as many as 102 more cease-to-pump days. Redbank Creek, Wollombi Brook, Glennies Creek, Foy Brook, Bayswater Creek, Saltwater Creek, Goulburn River and Dart Brook are unlikely to experience significant change in the reliability of flows due to additional coal resource development.
Potentially significant changes in reliability of flow due to the additional coal resource development are possible for a number of creeks in the Singleton water source, in Saddlers Creek in Jerrys water source, in Dry Creek and an unnamed creek in the Muswellbrook water source, and in the Wyong River. In the Wyong River, the median change over the three 30-year periods is modelled to be between 6 and 8 days, but could be as much as 140 days (95th percentile, 2043 to 2072), noting that these predictions do not take into account the results of modelling using local-scale data from the Wallarah 2 Environmental Imapct Statement.
Table 39 Increase in cease-to-pump days due to additional coal resource development (ACRD)
Note that the baseline and additional coal resource development values are not additive.
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 17) Bores where ‘make good’ provisions might apply (groundwater)
Environmental provisions relating to extractions from aquifers are intended to protect the long-term storage component of the aquifer. Extractions are based on reserving a proportion of recharge for the environment. Cease-to-pump rules are used to restrict pumping when levels drop below some specified level or water quality is deteriorating. The NSW Aquifer Interference Policy (DPI Water, 2012), which was introduced in September 2012, is intended to protect groundwater resources from activities that potentially interfere with them. It requires that all water extracted from an aquifer must be accounted for, that the activity must address minimal impact considerations and planning must make provision for situations where actual impacts are greater than predicted.
Minimal impact thresholds are specified for highly productive and less productive groundwater sources and different aquifer types (alluvial, coastal sands, porous rock and fractured rock), but can generally be defined as less than 10% cumulative variation in watertable level, 40 m from any high-priority GDE or culturally significant site, with a maximum decline of 2 m at any water supply work. Where an activity is likely to result in the minimal impact threshold being exceeded, ‘make good’ provisions should apply, unless it can be demonstrated to the Minister’s satisfaction that the variation will not prevent the long-term viability of the GDE or culturally significant site. Here the ‘maximum decline of 2 m at any water supply work’ threshold is used as the basis for identifying bores where a potential economic impact may result due to the additional coal resource development. It is possible that ‘make good’ provisions could be required at bores where drawdowns are predicted to be less than the minimal impact threshold, but there is no basis for identifying these in a regional-scale assessment.
Table 40 lists the water sources that have bores within the zone of potential hydrological change with at least a 5% chance of drawdowns exceeding 2 m due to additional coal resource development. Of the 1450 bores in the zone, 170 bores have at least a 5% chance of drawdowns exceeding 2 m due to additional coal resource development; 50 of these are in the mine pit exclusion zone and might be, or have been, removed in the process of mine pit excavation. Using the 50% percentile to define the bores that are ‘more at risk of hydrological changes’, 51 bores outside the mine pit exclusion zone are considered to be more at risk. Of these, 44 are on exploration or mining leases and are likely to be held by mining companies, and 2 are on exploration leases held by the Secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment. There is at least a 5% chance that the drawdown due to the additional coal resource developments will exceed the minimal impact threshold at 11 bores that are not on mining or exploration leases, of which 5 are considered ‘more at risk of hydrological changes’. A summary graphic of potentially impacted bore numbers is provided in Figure 72. The 11 bores that are not on mining or exploration leases relate to extractions permitted under a water access licence, with 7 in the Sydney Basin – North Coast groundwater source, and the others in the unregulated and alluvial water sources of Jilliby Jilliby Creek (2), Tuggerah Lakes (1) and South Lake Macquarie (1). Bores that are ‘more at risk of hydrological changes’ are the three in the Jilliby Jilliby Creek and south Lake Macquarie water sources, and two in the Sydney Basin – North Coast groundwater source. The location of the 120 bores (95th percentile) are shown in Figure 73.
Table 40 Number of bores where additional drawdown is greater than 2 m for 5th, 50th and 95th percentiles
Additional drawdown is the maximum difference in drawdown (dmax) between the coal resource development pathway (CRDP) and baseline, due to additional coal resource development.
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 15)
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 8, Dataset 9, Dataset 18)

Product Finalisation date
- 3.1 Overview
- 3.2 Methods
- 3.3 Potential hydrological changes
- 3.4 Impacts on and risks to landscape classes
- 3.5 Impacts on and risks to water-dependent assets
- 3.6 Commentary for coal resource developments that are not modelled
- 3.7 Conclusion
- Citation
- Acknowledgements
- Contributors to the Technical Programme
- About this technical product