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Evans T, Pavey C, Cassel R, Ransley T, Sparrow A, Kellett J, Galinec V, Dehelean A, Bell J, Caruana L and Kilgour P (2018) Conceptual modelling for the Galilee subregion. Product 2.3 for the Galilee subregion from the Lake Eyre Basin Bioregional Assessment. Department of the Environment and Energy, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, Australia.

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Henderson BL, Barry S, Hayes KR, Hosack G, Holland K, Herron N, Mount R, Schmidt RK, Dambacher J, Ickowicz A, Lewis S, Post DA and Mitchell PJ (2018) Risk and cumulative impacts. Submethodology M10 from the Bioregional Assessment Technical Programme. Department of the Environment and Energy, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, Australia.

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Karim F, Viney NR, Wang B, Peeters LJM, Zhang YQ, Marvanek SP, Shi X, Yang A and Buettikofer H (2018) Surface water numerical modelling for the Galilee subregion. Product 2.6.1 for the Galilee subregion from the Lake Eyre Basin Bioregional Assessment. Department of the Environment and Energy, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, Australia.

Lewis S, Evans T, Pavey C, Holland KL, Henderson BL, Kilgour P, Dehelean A, Karim F, Viney NR, Post DA, Schmidt RK, Sudholz C, Brandon C, Zhang YQ, Lymburner L, Dunn B, Mount R, Gonzalez D, Peeters LJM, O’Grady A, Dunne R, Ickowicz A, Hosack G, Hayes KR, Dambacher J and Barry S (2018) Impact and risk analysis for the Galilee subregion. Product 3-4 for the Galilee subregion from the Lake Eyre Basin Bioregional Assessment. Department of the Environment and Energy, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, Australia.

Peeters L, Pagendam D, Gao L, Hosack G, Jiang W and Henderson BL (2016) Propagating uncertainty through models. Submethodology M09 from the Bioregional Assessment Technical Programme. Department of the Environment and Energy, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, Australia.

Peeters L, Ransley T, Turnadge C, Kellett J, Harris-Pascal C, Kilgour P and Evans T (2018) Groundwater numerical modelling for the Galilee subregion. Product 2.6.2 for the Galilee subregion from the Lake Eyre Basin Bioregional Assessment. Department of the Environment and Energy, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, Australia.

Viney N (2016) Surface water modelling. Submethodology M06 from the Bioregional Assessment Technical Programme. Department of the Environment and Energy, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, Australia.

Last updated:
6 December 2018
Thumbnail of the Galilee subregion

Product Finalisation date