Model development


This section summarises the key steps taken in developing the surface water models for predicting hydrological changes arising from coal resource development in the Hunter subregion. It includes discussion of the spatial and temporal modelling domains, the spatial resolution of the modelling, the development of a future climate trend and the development of time series of open-cut and underground coal mine footprints.

The modelling domain includes the catchment of the Hunter River above Greta (17,600 km2) and the catchment of the Wyong River above Wyong (400 km2). Within this domain, 65 model nodes have been identified at which daily streamflow predictions are produced. The model simulation period is from 2013 to 2102.

Seasonal climate scaling factors from the Meteorological Research Institute (Japan) global climate model are chosen to provide a trended climate input over the course of the simulation period. This results in a reduction in mean annual precipitation of 1.5% per degree of global warming.

Last updated:
18 January 2019
Thumbnail of the Hunter subregion

Product Finalisation date