- Home
- Assessments
- Bioregional Assessment Program
- Methods
- Assigning receptors to water-dependent assets
- 4 Developing a receptor register
- 4.1 Preparation of product 1.4 (description of the receptor register) and the receptor register
- 4.1.1 Preliminary receptor register and draft product 1.4 (description of the receptor register)
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In more detail, the preliminary version of the receptor register is prepared as follows:
- The initial distribution of receptors and the associated landscape classes are compiled into a point dataset (e.g. shapefile) and checked by the Assessment team and the Bioregional Assessment Information Platform team for the following:
- Every receptor has location attributes (latitude and longitude using the GDA_94 coordinate system)
- Every receptor has a unique ID (BARID, defined as the BA receptor identifier (sequential and unique per receptor across all receptors in the Bioregional Assessment Technical Programme); authoritative source of BARIDs is the Bioregional Assessment Information Platform team).
- The preliminary receptor register fields (e.g. field names) are formatted consistently with the receptor register template (see Table 6 for recommended content).
- Any other checks needed for either BA analysis or Bioregional Assessment Information Platform needs.
- The checked version of the preliminary receptor register is loaded into the Bioregional Assessment Repository by the Assessment team as a point dataset (e.g. shapefile). On completion, the following must be notified:
- all discipline leads
- the Bioregional Assessment Information Platform team.
- The preliminary receptor register is used to assist other BA processes including:
- providing input to the conceptual modelling, uncertainty analysis, surface water and groundwater modelling, and receptor impact modelling
- any engagement with domain or local expertise including specific review of the receptor register
- the Bioregional Assessment Information Platform and information modelling.
- The methods and decisions for assigning receptors should, ideally, be documented in an initial draft of the product 1.4 (description of the receptor register).
Last updated:
12 December 2018

Summary and download
- 1 Background and context
- 2 Defining receptors
- 3 Assigning receptors
- 3.1 Overview of process for assigning receptors
- 3.2 Landscape classification
- 3.3 Process for assigning receptors across the landscape
- 4 Developing a receptor register
- References
- Datasets
- Glossary
- Citation
- Acknowledgements
- Contributors to the Technical Programme
- About this submethodology