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- 1.2 Resource assessment for the Sydney Basin bioregion
- 1.2.4 Catalogue of potential resource developments
This section summarises proposals to develop identified coal resources in the Sydney Basin bioregion post-December 2012, as outlined in Section 1.2.3.
As at March 2016, seven coal resource developments, having a post-December 2012 commencement date, have been proposed. They include five underground developments at existing coal mines: Airly Mine, Angus Place Colliery, WCL Russell Vale Colliery, Springvale and WCL Wongawilli Colliery, and one open-cut development at the existing Pine Dale Coal Mine. Development of a new underground coal mine at Hume, has also been proposed and an EIS is expected by end of 2016.
Five exploration projects have been identified (Boulder, East Lithgow, Inglenook, Neubeck and Running Stream) but there are no known development plans for these areas as at March 2016. These areas are all at pre-EIS stage.
There are no new coal seam gas (CSG) development projects proposed in the bioregion.
Information provided in Section 1.2.3 forms the basis for a catalogue of potential coal resource developments in the Sydney Basin bioregion post-December 2012. The catalogue in Table 9 identifies 12 potential developments. Six proposals relate to extensions and/or expansions of existing coal mines. There is one potential new mine – at Hume. The areas of Boulder, Inglenook, Neubeck, Running Stream and East Lithgow have identified coal resources and have been included in Table 9 but there is insufficient activity and no published material to indicate that these projects will progress to mine development proposals. The locations of the potential developments are shown in Figure 9.
As at March 2016, environmental impact statements (EIS) had been submitted for five of the proposals, of which two of these (Springvale and Wongawilli) have been approved; one company was preparing an EIS. Inclusion of an entry in Table 9 does not mean the development will proceed.
There are currently no new CSG development proposals in the Sydney Basin bioregion. CSG has been produced by AGL Energy Limited (AGL) at the Camden Gas Project south-west of Sydney since 2001.
Table 9 Potential coal resource developments in the Sydney Basin bioregion as at 15 March 2016
aOC is open cut; UG is underground
b’Material’ refers to class of coal: thermal, coking, pulverised coal injection (PCI) and unspecified.
cthis is calculated by summing the resources with Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) codes of measured, indicated and inferred.
dthe status of the mine with regard to preparation of an environmental impact statement (EIS): pre-EIS, EIS in preparation, EIS submitted, EIS closed, supplementary EIS and EIS approved
enew mine proposal
na = not applicable