Coal seam gas

There are currently no proposed coal seam gas (CSG) developments seeking to progress beyond early stage exploration in this bioregion. A series of actions have been put in place by NSW Government to control future exploration, which are currently limiting CSG-related activity in the Sydney Basin bioregion (NSW Government, 2014b, p. 7–10). These include:

  • accepting all the recommendations made by the Chief Scientist and Engineer’s Independent Review (NSW Government, 2014c)
  • introducing a new strategic framework to ensure new exploration licences are only issued in areas released after careful assessment of economic, environmental and social factors
  • applications being processed during 2014 were dissolved and no new applications are to be considered until a new strategic framework is in place
  • introducing a one-off buy-back offer that commenced in December 2014 to purchase unused exploration licences; petroleum exploration licences over national parks will be removed
  • enforcing potential title cancellation for companies where current title holders are unable to demonstrate a serious commitment to investment in the state by the end of 2015 (NSW Government, 2014b, p. 7–10).

The activities listed above have resulted in 17 petroleum exploration licence (PEL) buy-back offers (DIR&E, 2016c), one of which (PEL 2) was in the Sydney Basin bioregion. As at 12 January 2015, there are no recorded PEL applications in NSW (DIR&E, 2016a) and no current petroleum production lease applications (PLAs) in the bioregion (DIR&E, 2016b).

Last updated:
21 January 2019