Aside from the EPBC Act-listed threatened species, all threatened species listed in NSW’s Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (TSC Act) and some threatened species in Queensland’s Nature Conservation Act 1994 (Nature Conservation Act) were not included in the water‑dependent asset register for the Clarence-Moreton bioregion as there was insufficient spatial habitat modelling information available to confirm the presence of their habitats within the PAE of the Clarence-Moreton bioregion. Known threatened species absent from the water-dependent asset register are listed in Table 9 . Negotiations are currently underway with the relevant state authorities to address these gaps. Modelled fish data for NSW will be supplied by the upcoming NSW Fish Community Status Final Report 2015 (Riches et al., In prep.). Missing data from NSW also include state forest boundaries, coastal floodplains, threatened migratory shorebird habitat and TSC Act-listed critical habitats. These data were not available at time of compiling the assets but will be included in future analysis within the Bioregional Assessments Programme.
Table 9 Known aquatic species with demonstrated water dependency without available modelled habitat data within the preliminary assessment extent (PAE)
These species will be included in the water-dependent register at a later date.
Data: Coughran (2006); McCormack (2012); NSW’s Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995; Queensland’s Nature Conservation Act 1994
NA – not available