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- Developing the conceptual model of causal pathways
- Appendix A Diagrams of causal pathways
Figure 15 to Figure 20 represent the causal pathways for hazards by identifying the activities, impact causes and impact modes for open-cut and underground coal mines and coal seam gas (CSG) operations. These were developed for the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion initially (Holland et al., 2016) but are generically useful across all subregions and bioregions. The hazard handling or scope discussed in Section 3.1 .3.1.1 is not considered in this representation. Collectively Figure 15 to Figure 20 graphically represent the hazard spreadsheets arising from the Impact Modes and Effects Analysis (IMEA) and allow many hazards and their natural groupings to be visualised simultaneously.
See Holland et al. (2016) for full explanation and interpretation of the final results, which might vary from that shown in these figures. Impact causes are underlined, impact modes are bold and activities are bullet points. Arrows indicate the spatial context for each hazard: aquifers, aquifer outcrop areas, watercourses, catchments. Hydrological effects to system components may cause potential impacts to assets or ecosystems that rely on surface water and/or groundwater. Hydrological effects are denoted by the round circles, where the light blue circles represent surface water hydrological effects and the dark blue circles represent groundwater hydrological effects. The system components are represented by the light blue triangle, grey oval and dark blue rectangle.
A.1 Open-cut coal mines
Figure 15 Causal pathways for hazards (impact causes, impact modes and activities) related to the open-pit component for open-cut coal mines
Impact causes are underlined, impact modes are bold and activities are preceded by hyphens.
Figure 16 Causal pathways for hazards (impact causes, impact modes and activities) related to the surface facilities and infrastructure component of open-cut coal mines
Impact causes are underlined, impact modes are bold and activities are preceded by hyphens.
A.2 Underground coal mines
Figure 17 Causal pathways for hazards (impact causes, impact modes and activities) related to the underground component for underground mines
Impact causes are underlined, impact modes are bold and activities are preceded by hyphens.
A.3 Coal seam gas operations
Figure 18 Causal pathways for hazards (impact causes, impact modes and activities) related to the pipelines, roads and associated infrastructure component for coal seam gas operations
Impact causes are underlined, impact modes are bold and activities are preceded by hyphens.
Figure 19 Causal pathways for hazards (impact causes, impact modes and activities) related to the processing facilities component for coal seam gas operations
Impact causes are underlined, impact modes are bold and activities are preceded by hyphens.
Figure 20 Causal pathways for hazards (impact causes, impact modes and activities) related to the wells component for coal seam gas operations
Impact causes are underlined, impact modes are bold and activities are bullet points.

- 1 Background and context
- 2 Introduction to conceptual modelling in bioregional assessments
- 3 Building conceptual models in bioregional assessments
- 4 Outputs from conceptual modelling
- Appendix A Diagrams of causal pathways
- Appendix B Names and descriptions of causal pathway groups and causal pathways
- References
- Datasets
- Citation
- Acknowledgements
- Contributors to the Technical Programme
- About this submethodology