
The knowledge gaps described here relate to limited surface water quality and quantity data that lead to limited modelling ability of surface water processes. Although future coal resource development may eventually affect water quality and quantity of major rivers and creeks, it is the lower order streams that are more likely to be directly affected. Currently there are no streamflow and water quality gauging stations in any of the lower order streams, thus limiting the ability to model the streamflow and water quality of these streams. Some water quality measuring stations exist in the major rivers and tributaries for limited monitoring of nutrients, electrical conductivities, dissolved oxygen, pH and other constituents critical to the survival of native fish and other species. Healthy Waters Management Plans that address water quality requirements of both the Queensland Environmental Protection Act legislation and the Commonwealth Basin Plan (MDBA, 2012) are currently being developed. The plans assess risks to water quality, and identify water quality targets based on local data (including electrical conductivity, nutrients, turbidity, pH) to inform regulatory conditions on Environmentally Relevant Activities such as CSG and coal mines. These plans will improve the monitoring and assessment of threats to surface water quality in the subregion.

The role of faults and fractures as conduits or barriers to flow, their location in three dimensions, and their propensity to change their nature due to water pressure changes are all poorly known in the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion.

Last updated:
16 October 2018
Thumbnail of the Maranoa-Baloone-Condamine subregion

Product Finalisation date