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- Bioregional Assessment Program
- Hunter subregion
- 1.5 Current water accounts and water quality for the Hunter subregion
- 1.5.1 Current water accounts
- Surface water
- Gauged inflows and outflows in the Hunter river basin
Inflows to the Hunter subregion include water released from the major storages and natural inflows from unregulated tributaries. The locations of operating streamflow gauges are shown in Figure 3. Many minor tributaries have never been gauged or have had gauging stations that are now closed.
Table 4 summarises stream inflows, dam outflows and the difference between inflows and outflows for Glenbawn and Glennies Creek dams from 1990–91 to 2011–12 based on the NSW Office of Water Integrated Quantity and Quality Model (IQQM) calibrations (Simons et al., 1996; NSW Office of Water, Dataset 6).
Table 4 Modelled annual inflows and outflows for Glenbawn and Glennies Creek dams, using IQQM model calibrations for the Hunter subregion
IQQM = Integrated Quantity and Quality Model; values based on 2004 Water Sharing Plan with 2012 conditions
Data: NSW Office of Water (Dataset 6)
Annual inflows between 2005 and 2012 for tributaries to the Hunter are summarised in Table 5 . Major contributors to annual inflows include the Goulburn River (gauging station number 210031), the upper Hunter River (210018), Wollombi Brook (210004), Paterson River (210079) and Williams River (210010). Annual inflows varied considerably from very low totals during the dry years of the Millennium Drought to the higher yields in 2010–11 and 2011–12 when good rainfall ended the drought. The total mean annual flow across these gauging stations for 2004–05 to 2011–12 was 1135 GL/year.
Table 5 Annual inflows for Hunter river basin tributary streams
adata missing
NA = data not available
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme(Dataset 7)
The Hunter River gauging station at Greta is the most downstream gauging location on the Hunter River before the river becomes subject to tidal influences. Mean annual outflow at Greta for the same period was 697 GL/year (Table 6). Note that Paterson River and Williams River join the Hunter downstream of Greta, so the 575 GL/year of inflows from these tributaries are not reflected in the Greta flow volumes.
Table 6 Annual outflow for Hunter river basin at Greta
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 7)

Product Finalisation date
- 1.5.1 Current water accounts
- Surface water
- Water storage in the Hunter river basin
- Water storage in the Macquarie-Tuggerah lakes basin
- Gauged inflows and outflows in the Hunter river basin
- Gauged inflows in the Macquarie-Tuggerah lakes basin
- Surface water entitlements and allocations
- Water use in the Hunter Regulated River water source
- Gaps
- References
- Datasets
- Groundwater
- Surface water
- 1.5.2 Water quality
- Citation
- Acknowledgements
- Contributors to the Technical Programme
- About this technical product