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Gastar Exploration Ltd (2005) EL 4416, Gippsland Basin, Victoria, Australia. Viewed 24 September 2014, Accessed 24th September 2014.
GDF SUEZ (2015) Hazelwood: Hazelwood power station and mine. Viewed 1 May 2015,
GHD (2007) Victorian Coal. A 2006 Inventory of Resources. Department of Primary Industries.
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IER (2015a) Ignite Energy Resources, Gippsland Gas. Viewed 1 May 2015,
IER (2015b) Ignite Energy Resources. Viewed 1 May 2015,
Verso Energy (2015) Coolung Project. Viewed 1 May 2015,
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Vines J (2008) Coal Mining Heritage Study in Victoria. Heritage Council of Victoria, Melbourne.

Product Finalisation date
- 1.2.1 Available coal and coal seam gas resources
- 1.2.2 Current activity and tenements
- 1.2.3 Proposals and exploration
- 1.2.4 Catalogue of potential resource developments
- Citation
- Acknowledgements
- Contributors from the Government of Victoria
- Contributors to the Technical Programme
- About this technical product