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This submethodology was reviewed by:
- Discipline Leaders: Richard Mount (assets)
- Senior Science Leaders: David Post (Projects Director), Trevor Dhu (Science Director, Geoscience Australia), Brent Henderson (Science Director, CSIRO) , Becky Schmidt (Products Manager, CSIRO)
- Technical Assurance Reference Group: Chaired by Peter Baker (Principal Science Advisor, Department of the Environment), this group comprises officials from the NSW, Queensland, South Australian and Victorian governments
- Additional reviewers: Kaydy Pinetown, Jane Hodgkinson, Paul Wilkes, Steve Cadman, Tim Evans.
Last updated:
12 October 2018

Summary and download
- 1 Submethodology overview
- 2 The coal resource development pathway in bioregional assessments
- 3 Stage one of the coal resource development pathway – data and information inputs
- 4 Stage two of the coal resource development pathway – assessment
- References
- Appendix A Overview of Australia's coal and coal seam gas resources
- Appendix B Coal and coal seam gas resource definitions for bioregional assessments
- Appendix C Supply chain of coal and coal seam gas resource development
- Appendix D Useful data sources on coal and coal seam gas resources
- Shortened forms
- Citation
- Acknowledgements
- Contributors to the Technical Programme
- About this submethodology