Sixteen species listed in the EPBC Act were not included in the water‑dependent asset register for the Namoi subregion as there was insufficient spatial habitat modelling information available to confirm the presence of their habitats within the PAE of the Namoi subregion (Table 10).
Table 10 Species listed under the Commonwealth’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 but excluded from the water‑dependent asset register
Decisions to ‘exclude’ were based on lack of available spatial habitat modelling to confirm presence in the preliminary assessment extent or there was low confidence associated with the data. However, some species may be considered further in development of conceptual models for water dependent habitats.
aAlthough examples of individual species are listed, bioregional assessments consider the potential impact to the habitat of species not individual species per se. Punctuation and typography appear as used in the asset database. Data: Australian Government Department of the Environment (Dataset 3)
Species listed in the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW) (the TSC Act) were not included in the water‑dependent asset register for the Namoi subregion as there was insufficient spatial habitat modelling information available to confirm the presence of their habitats within the PAE of the Namoi subregion. The TSC Act lists 123 faunal species (17 bat, 56 bird, five fish, eight frog, three invertebrate, 19 marsupial, six reptile and nine rodent species) within the former Namoi and Border Rivers-Gwydir catchment management authorities (CMAs) (Table 11). Table 9 and Table 10 also present 21 of these faunal species. The TSC Act lists 13 faunal species within the former Namoi and Border Rivers-Gwydir CMAs as presumed extinct, five as critically endangered, 28 as endangered, three as endangered populations and 74 as vulnerable. Table 12 presents 80 threatened flora species listed under the TSC Act within the former Namoi and the Border Rivers-Gwydir CMAs, including 14 that were presented in Table 9 or Table 10. Two TSC Act flora species are listed as presumed extinct, two as critically endangered, 43 as endangered and 33 as vulnerable. Table 13 presents 18 threatened ecological communities listed under the TSC Act within the former Namoi and the Border Rivers-Gwydir CMAs, including three that were presented in Table 8. Two of these threatened ecological communities are listed as critically endangered, the remainder are endangered.
The number of wetlands listed in the water‑dependent asset register is less than has been previously reported by other authors (Eco Logical, 2008). There is some difficulty in attributing these differences as typologies and assessment extent vary between previous studies and the current PAE of the Namoi subregion. Similarly the number of watercourses in the current asset register is less than is reported in data sources such as the Geofabric. To address these issues it is proposed to use the Australian National Aquatic Ecosystem (ANAE) classification framework (Brooks et al., 2014) to develop the landscape classification component of the BA to attribute both wetlands and watercourses using a typology that is consistent with national initiatives.
Table 11 Threatened faunal species of the Namoi and Border Rivers-Gwydir catchment management authorities listed under NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and NSW Fisheries Management Act 1994
aAlthough examples of individual species are listed, bioregional assessments consider the potential impact to the habitat of species not individual species per se. Data: NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and NSW Fisheries Management Act 1994
Table 12 Threatened flora of the Namoi and Border Rivers-Gwydir catchment management authorities listed under NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995
aAlthough examples of individual species are listed, bioregional assessments consider the potential impact to the habitat of species not individual species per se. Data: NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995
Table 13 Threatened ecological communities of the Namoi and Border Rivers-Gwydir catchment management authorities listed under NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995
Typology and punctuation are given as they are used in the legislation.
Data: NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995