Four hundred and forty-three sociocultural assets are identified within the preliminary assessment extent (PAE) for the Hunter subregion, of which 408 are grouped into the cultural subgroup and 35 into the social subgroup. Thirteen Indigenous sociocultural assets sourced from existing Commonwealth heritage databases are included for assessment. Sources of data are summarised in Table 5. Most assets (419) are derived from the Register of the National Estate (RNE, Australian Government Department of the Environment (Dataset 1). Twelve assets are Commonwealth heritage-listed (CHL; Department of the Environment (Dataset 2), nine are National heritage-listed (NHL; Australian Government Department of the Environment (Dataset 3) and there is one World Heritage Area (WHA; Australian Government Department of the Environment (Dataset 4), the Greater Blue Mountains Area World Heritage Area. Two assets are sourced from the Water Asset Information Tool (WAIT) database (Australian Government Department of the Environment, Dataset 5).
Three hundred and seven are judged to be water dependent (Table 11), based on their proximity to surface water and/or groundwater features (Section Details can be found in the register.
Table 11 Total sociocultural assets and water-dependent sociocultural assets in the preliminary assessment extent (PAE) of the Hunter subregion
Group |
Subgroup |
Asset class |
Total assets (in assets list) |
Water-dependent assets |
Sociocultural |
Cultural |
Heritage site |
395 |
275 |
Indigenous site |
13 |
9 |
Social |
Recreation area |
35 |
23 |
Total |
443 |
307 |