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- Gloucester subregion
- 1.3 Water-dependent asset register for the Gloucester subregion
Executive summary

The water-dependent asset register for the Gloucester subregion is a simple and authoritative list of assets within the preliminary assessment extent that are potentially affected by changes in water due to coal seam gas and coal mining development.
The initial register that accompanied the Description of the water-dependent asset register for the Gloucester subregion report was extracted from the Gloucester subregion asset database in September 2014.
Since then, the asset database has been updated, including the addition of some indigenous assets. Information has also been added about whether any part of each asset occurs within the zone of potential hydrological change defined for the assessment. Using the updated database, an updated water-dependent asset register was extracted on 1 May 2017 and the counts of assets below are from that register. The impact and risk analysis and the outcome synthesis use the asset information from the updated register.
Some assets cannot be publicly distributed or displayed by the Bioregional Assessment Program due to restrictions on the use conditions of the datasets that describe them. However, many of these datasets are available directly from their custodian. For more details, see the data dictionary included with the asset database.
Preliminary assessment extent
In the Gloucester subregion the preliminary assessment extent contains all of the subregion plus a one-kilometre buffer either side of the north-flowing Gloucester River until it joins the Manning River; a similar buffer is used for the south-flowing Karuah River until it reaches Port Stephens.
Water-dependent assets
There are 108 water-dependent assets in the Gloucester subregion.
Ecological water-dependent assets
There are 67 ecological water-dependent assets in the preliminary assessment extent for the Gloucester subregion, including the habitat of 39 protected species.
Economic water-dependent assets
There are 22 economic water-dependent assets in the preliminary assessment extent for the Gloucester subregion, including surface water and groundwater licences for stock and household use.
Sociocultural water-dependent assets
There are 19 sociocultural water-dependent assets in the preliminary assessment extent for the Gloucester subregion.
A separate report on Indigenous water assets in the Gloucester subregion is available. It includes information that is relevant to this product and contributes to this bioregional assessment.